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Company Retirement Accounts

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KGC Is Your Partner in Strategic Company Retirement Account Planning

Kershner, Grosso & Co.’s retirement plan services include retirement plan design, education services and investment selection, monitoring, and more.


Assisting plan sponsors in developing a customized retirement and investment plan to fit the needs of individual plan participants.


Investment selection, ongoing monitoring, and performance reviews.


Planning and coordination for plan transfer and/or conversion.


Assist human resource staff and third party administrators with items regarding plan administration.


Individual employee meetings, retirement planning, investment advice, and distribution consultation.


Group education and enrollment meetings.


Assistance with plan administrative tasks such as loan, distribution, and rollover processing.


General information on legislative, Department of Labor, and Internal Revenue Service matters relating to qualified plans.


Assistance with the preparation of the plan investment policy statement.

Retirement 401-K Plan Investment Strategies.

Kershner Grosso conducts consultation meetings with each prospective client. During the meetings, we establish the client’s needs in areas such as plan design, administration, and investments. This discussion and consultation will serve as the basis for an in-depth process aimed at launching a full range of retirement plan services for the client.

Kershner Grosso provides 401-K retirement plan participants the following three broad investment platforms that they can choose from for their plan assets:


Diverse Mutual Fund Selections

401-K plan participants can choose from a list of selected and monitored mutual funds. Kershner Grosso selects for each plan approximately 20 mutual funds. The mutual funds are selected from a very broad universe of thousands of “no load” or “load” waived funds. Included on the list of selected funds will be domestic and international common stock funds and a variety of fixed income funds. KGC regularly monitors and changes the list of funds, as needed, with the principal factor in such selections or changes being performance, after fees and expenses.


Tailored Asset Allocation Portfolio Models

Kershner Grosso designs Aggressive, Moderate and Conservative Asset Allocation Model portfolios from a pool of selected mutual funds. Plan participants choose from the Asset Allocations Models. Each model portfolio is formulated around risk tolerance, time horizon, and a number of other factors. KGC monitors, manages, and rebalances the model portfolios according to the goals of each model, and not according to the individual needs of plan participants.


Personalized Investment Choices with PCRA

Where Charles Schwab is the custodian of the plan assets, participants have the option of selecting a Personal Choice Retirement Account (PCRA). PCRAs hold individual investment securities (individual common stock, bonds, etc.) as opposed to mutual funds. PCRAs are maintained as Schwab brokerage accounts within the 401K plan. KGC manages PCRA accounts using the aforementioned methods of research and analysis. PCRA accounts are much more actively managed accounts with the investments custom tailored to the individual needs of the plan participant.

Take proactive steps towards managing your portfolio effectively.